Offering an eclectic, intuitive, heart-centered experience
Sharon Shapiro, originated her practice in New York, attaining certification from Swedish Institute of Massage Therapy and Allied Health Sciences in New York City in 1992. Shapiro is a member of American Massage Therapy Association, Sedona Massage Association, International Association of Healthcare Practitioners, Arizona Yoga Association. She is also a former board member of the New York State Society of Medical Massage Therapists. Certified in the Science, Art, and Heart of Reflexology and candidate for Certification in the St. John’s method of Neuromuscular Therapy, Shapiro offers an eclectic repertoire of techniques that promote relaxation, and healing, while offering pain relief. She strives to facilitate the healing process that "already exists in everyone".
Other Services: contact yoga, deep tissue, energy work, postural analysis, reflexology, sports, structural bodywork, Swedish, therapeutic stretches, trigger-point and including neuromuscular therapy
Hours: By appointment only
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